Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Junk Journal - The journey to 2013

Hey...More about my junk journal journey - This is a big post as I detail my smash book, junk journal journey.

For my first smash book (that's what it started as) I used a cheap art book, I think it cost 2 dollars.  It had a nasty black plastic cover.

To make it more mine I covered the cover with tissue paper and lost of white pearlised paint and a big ribbon which I also painted.  That's where I left the front least for now!

On the inside (and I did this much later after I had been using the book a while) I spritzed with some Lindy's Stamp gang sprays...well actually on the inside cover I dripped the spray on more then sprayed...but on the back cover I sprayed.

On the first page I made a note that this was my first smash book and that it would hold anything that I couldn't be bothered to scrap.  And that could be anything...which you can see from wrapping paper from a gift to a metro pass.  And I didnt give any thought to keeping things in order.  AS I found stuff it went in.  Witch was a great chance to pop in little memories about the items.

Even from early on some pages I really like and others I wished could be better...but the purpose of this was to not lose the little mementos I had kept.  And I started to enjoy writing the stories that went with them,. 

About Now we also decide to make a big move, and started cleaning out the house ready for packing...this resulted in two things.  Heaps more stuff for the book and the realization I am a pack rat..sigh 

Even as the pile of of old bits and bobs grew, I was creating new moments as we painted the house and made arrangements to move and that's when this started to evolve into what I am calling a junk journal.  I use that phrase to describe the adhoc nature of capturing mementos from the past while noting current happenings.

One page might be a receipt from Girl Guides camp (a long time ago..) and it could be right next to a ticket from a movie a few years back.

I found myself popping the current days polaroid picture (I love the instant gratification), a the receipt for garden supplies with notes about the progress of our plans in the book in between pages that had things from trips a few years ago.

I kept a copy of an old bank statement and one of my early pay slips, and the junk journal gave me a quick place to record the the history of the document or the memory it brought back. 

Where do you keep old pet records...some of my mine found a way into this book and golly it felt good giving them a home.

I mentioned in a previous post how my junk journal has also become my first art book...and I have to say the pages with the pre prepped backgrounds really pop.

Lost of pages are multi layer, ie things open to show more...

Since I started this journey I find myself keeping more small things that I can quickly pop in with notes to remind me why I kept it.

I think my next junk journal will be more current (I think most of my old keepsakes are pretty close to in, or will be int he last few pages in the book) but I really loved  this journey and the memories it let me relive.

I would recommend Smash booking or junk journal to anyone.  It is fun in a different way to scrap booking.

I am already working on creating the basis for my next junk will be in a post soon.

Thanks for popping past and if I helped inspire even one person to try this journey I will feel pretty awesome.

Happy craftin!

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